Researcher Responsibilities
In order to build and strengthen our capacity as a research station, it is essential for us to collect information on your research project so that we can report this information to our campus office of research, and so that we can build the SCIR research community. We would like to highlight your work and help you to connect your science to a broad community.
Annual research summary
Please provide an annual summary of your research using the following guidelines by June 30 of each year. Send the following information digitally to The Reserve Director at nrs-scir@ucsb.edu. Please mail hard copies of thesis and dissertations to the UCSB NRS campus office.
- A brief summary of your research accomplishments, including the title of the project, a list of all participants on the project with their affiliations.
- An email acknowledgement that you have submitted project metadata to KNB for your RAMS application.
- An email acknowledgment that you are using a database management system (click here for data management tools).
- An email acknowledgement that you will upload your data directly to KNB.
- A list of your current publications based on research done on the reserve (complete references).
- A copy of all published materials, in PDF format, including conference proceedings, abstracts, and technical reports (one bound hard copy only of thesis and dissertations), resulting from your research.
Please make acknowledgements in any publication resulting from use of the reserve as follows: “This work was performed (in part) at the University of California Natural Reserve System Santa Cruz Island Reserve on property owned and managed by The Nature Conservancy.” For Work Supported by Systemwide UC Natural Reserve System: “This work was supported by a Mildred E. Mathias Graduate Student Research Grant from the University of California Natural Reserve System.” or (as appropriate) “This work was supported by a grant from the University of California Natural Reserve System.” Please remember to add this DOI, 10.21973/N3F08C, to all publications created from research done in association with the Santa Cruz Island Reserve.
Provide the source of funding for your project, dates of funding, and the funding amount.
In addition to the annual summary, please share with us any photos of your work or field sites, any media coverage of your work and or any links to social media. Please also “like” us on Facebook and feel free to send us updates to share.
Summaries of publications can be found in the NRS Annual Report and on the NRS systemwide Web Page.
To create a selected bibliography or search publications in the Channel Islands Research Bibliography, click here.